Where movies old and new get taken to boot camp!

Posts tagged “Trailer

Transforming Robots and Dueling Pirates


The Film General Here, ready to give you some of the big scoops.

On the Website, we have 3 NEW REVIEWS! Well… 2 actually. The Film Sergeant goes head on and moves out as he reviews TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON! Does he like our robots in Disguise? And two of our Cadets battle it out as we see them face off against each other in a war of words… 2 REVIEWS for PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES! Check out Brogan’s Review Here and to see Charlotte’s Review Here… Who do you think won!? Check them out!

Optimus Prime... What happened man? You used to be cool!

On our Tumblr Feed this time, we see:

Exclusive Posters are up for the new Fright Night 3D flick with David Tennant looking awesome!

Anime Samurai X is penned for a live-action remake

Steven Spielberg has an idea for a JURASSIC PARK SEQUEL!

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost want to do a PAUL SEQUEL!

Tom Cruise stars in a Hair-Metal Musical Movie?

New Mission Impossible 4 Trailer is Released


The News Room: No Kick-Ass 2?

Greetings Cadets,

This is the Film General here and welcome to The News Room with another big bag full of news thanks to our now awesome news feed on tumblr! If you want the latest and instant news, follow us on http://thefilmgeneral.tumblr.com/. Here are the big news articles:

News Articles:
1) Albert Hughes has backed out from directing the live-action movie remake of Akira
2) Quentin Tarantino and the Coen Brothers are forever immortalised… in art?
3) Director Matthew Vaughn is saying No to Kick-Ass 2

New Trailers for:
– The New Joesph Gordon-Levitt/Seth Rogan Cancer Comedy 50/50 – http://thefilmgeneral.tumblr.com/post/5970672963/50-50-trailer-joseph-gordan-levitt-and-seth-rogan
– Guillermo Del Toro Presents Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark – http://thefilmgeneral.tumblr.com/post/5996064221/the-new-teaser-trailer-for-the-new-guillermo-del
– Spy Kids 4: All The Time In The World – http://thefilmgeneral.tumblr.com/post/6044955681/entertainmentweekly-this-preview-for-spy-kids

AND FINALLY… Only a few more days left before our ‘FIND A FILM CRITIC’ competition ends! Just CLICK HERE to find out more! Competition ends June 3rd!

Kick-Ass might not kick ass anymore





Even More News… found on Tumblr!

Greetings Cadets,

The Film General here to give some of the big news stories currently floating around on the net. And where is the best place to look for them? ON TUMBLR!

That is right, The Film General Website now has their very own Tumblr page and probably is one of the best and fastest ways to get the latest up to date movie news! So join up now and follow us! Check us out on: http://thefilmgeneral.tumblr.com/

Here are the 4 biggest news articles so far this week!

1) A trailer for David Fincher’s remake of ‘The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’ has been leaked onto the internet!

2) Michael Fassbender to star in a new Vampire flick!

3) The Muppets have a new movie out soon… check the trailer!

4) Director David O. Russell backs out of the Uncharted Movie with rumours of Mark Walberg to be replaced!


My movie deal is over isn't it?


Thursday Update

Ok. So we’re a little behind the rest of the internetz and you have most probably have seen it anyways, but here is the new picture from The Dark Night Rises:


Yes it’s the first picture of Tom Hardy as Bane, and it looks INCREDIBLE, I am now stoked to see what Catwoman is going to look like in what seems to be a massive re-vamp of things!

Next on the list… There is a new Transformers trailer:

Mmmm, taste that cheesy summer blockbuster goodness. Yes, I know its uncool, but I think as a switch your brain off set of movies the Transformers updates are not too bad, especially as they seem to get bigger and better each time (note: Dumber and dumber too!)

There are two images for David E. Ellis’ ‘Shark Night 3D’ (The guy that did the original Final Destination & Snakes on a Plane) and it looks like he is doing what he does bad, switch-your-brain-off-horror by the looks of these two pics:

Just swimming along, happy as larry, WHEN SUDDENLY...

How do you get yourself in this situation in the first place?

As well as all this a whole brand new Green Lantern trailer just got released:

It’s all cool & shiney & new, with quite a bit of new footage in it! Enjoy!

Take care guys!

Its Friday, Friday, Gotta Get Down on Friday

Yeah, I did it! Deal with it!

So we’re back to Friday updates and some interesting things have happened, we’ll begin with the blasphemy straight away:

Yes, Strawdogs has been remade. I am surprised it isn’t a Platinum Dunes release but their we go, and I actually think it looks pretty good! in a sense that it looks close to the original and has Alexander Skarsgård of True Blood fame in it, who plays creepy very well.

The first teaser poster for Disney’s new Muppets film got released and here it is:


And some X-men first class photos got released, specifically some of ladies in tight costumes & some cool looking mutants too!

Hi boys!

Over & out!

Cool Tattoo!

"You like my new suit?"

"I am in terrible pain!"

Don’t forget to enter into our Film General competition to become our NEW writer! Full details here!

Thats all folks! thanks for reading, have a great weekend!

Hobo With A Shotgun

That is all.

The Film Lieutenant

Friday Update

Hey, Jake Here. Let me begin this Fridays update by apologizing to you for missing last Fridays, I was busy! Doing… Y’know…. stuff…

Anyways, Movie time!

Trailers that recently got released are:
Friends With Benefits with Justin Timberlake (why go from ‘The Social Network to this shite) where stuff happens thats the exact same as that other movie (y’know the one with that other twentysomething douche bag who falls in love with a girl who was previously his mate)
[Intresting side note: I hate both these movies so much already… I didn’t research them at all, can you tell?]

As well as that we get a new Conan trailer that has people running about in Mist, fair enough…

It looks OK….

Troubling times

Now, trailers aside, there are two pieces of news I wanted to share,

Darren Aronofsky has officially left ‘The Wolverine’ citing that he does not want to be filming in Japan for so long and personal reasons (such as fighting for custody of his son with his Ex [actress Rachel Weisz]) and nothing to do with the script.

This genuinely saddens me that a Comic Book movie has lost out on an amazing director and will probably get lumbered with Uwe Bowell or someone now.

As well as that in other amusing as news, Attack the block (seen here in our 15 most anticipated films of 2011) went to America, and due to the thick English accents may either have subtitles added to it so the Yanks can grasp basic English or be remade entirely with a American cast so they get it!

I want to take this oppertunity to invite you all to follow my inane ramblings on twitter http://twitter.com/#!/JakeRivett and to check out my other blog, www.jake66.wordpress.com

A satirical spear in Heavy Metals side!

Dismissed Cadets

Badass Friday Fun Time

Let me begin today Cadets with a new and shiny top 10 for you all to squabble over: Yes! the Ultimate movie badasses is here!! Check out this article and prepare to lose your mind with delight, or ragequit life

Cadets! At ease! Let me begin by saying ” Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw Yeah!!!!” Why? Check it out:

As well as that check out this highly amusing video of Natalie Portman & James Franco prepping for the Oscars:

Coming up on the site is a lot of exciting things, I am going to upload a whole new load of content today guys, Now I must apologize in advance for the spelling of any of it!

Dismissed Cadets, Have a good weekend!

And now time for the News…

Attention Cadets!

Here is a whole bunch of interesting news on this grey Wednesday morning, so sharpen up & pay attention

To begin, I am not sure where this comes from, but as far as I can tell it is real and genuine, but this is new Thundercats footage, and it looks…Awful!

I mean, its unfunny, the characters look silly frankly and it is nowhere near as dark as I had hoped that it would be (yes I am aware it is an 80’s children’s cartoon)

Speaking of Childrens toons a cute little spot was released for Cars 2

& A character portrait of ‘Kilowog’ was released in a Green Lantern Comic in America (I have sources) and here is what he is going to look like in the Green Lantern Movie:


As well as all that there is some pretty decent new trailers floating about for the likes of: X men First Class, A new Thor Trailer and a little movie keep telling me I am gonna love called ‘Dead Island’, I’ll keep my eyes out for it

Oh & Arnie is back in films! Cue Terminator 5 rumors….Post the best in comments please!


News, News and More News!

Hey, the new man himself Film Lieutenant here.

Yes folks, tonnes of more news has cropped up, these are exciting times to be into films cadets! So pay attention & listen in:

– First up, because I know its what you all want…

That is right, loads of behind the scenes photos are floating about on the net! If you want to see the full set click here.

And because we know you love behind the scenes pics so much, here are some more of the legend Nic Cage on the set of Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance (erm… cool?)

Look at me, I have a bike! you got nothin’!
Is it not wear your corpsepaint to work day today?

 Ok, cool! All up with that? Now for some real movie news!

– Massive speculation is growing after A man named Rob Tapert teased that he has chatted with Sam Raimi about a fourth installment of The Evil Dead series… and why not? Look at how good Drag Me to Hell was? Awesome! So why can’t this be?  Even though there is no word from the Bruce Campbell side of things, Rob had this to say “It’s possible. We’re looking at a script this month, What’s interesting about Evil Dead is very few people saw it in the format we made it for, which is for the theater. … I think Sam wants to embrace the ultimate experience in gruelling terror and see it remade for a proper theatrical experience.” What word did you notice in there cadets that stood out to you? (it isn’t ‘interesting’ or ‘theater’) … no, the word ‘remade’ appears there… hmmm…

– Now speaking of fourth horror movies, what movie would you be in if you found yourself in the following situation:

You are semi – aware that you are in a slasher flick…  because it happened in the small town you lived in before… and was based upon a slasher movie… that was based upon real life!

Confused? I am! If you found yourself in this situation then I bet you would be a smarmy ironic character in Wes Cravens Scream 4!

Enjoy the new trailer:

Dismissed Cadets!!

2011 is going to be HUGE

Yes Cats you heard it! 2011 is going to be HUGE!! with so much news about, even at the start of the year, Sorry we have been so lax lately, but we all have other commitments, but I shall aspire to keep this place going and updated!!

On with the news that I know you hungry cats want!

This is old now, but here it is anyways: NEW SPIDERMAN!! (the reboot calling him ‘Spider-Man BTW)

Look at how awesome I am!!

Andrew Garfield of ‘The Social Network’ fame is now playing Spider-man in the reboot directed by Marc Webb, centering around Peter Parker in his high school years and learning to deal with his powers there, there is speculation on the internet whether they will go with ‘natural’ webbing or ‘mechanical’ webbing, it all depends on which version of the comic/cartoon you like I suppose, each to their own.

Here’s what he looks like in his costume:

Did I mention that I also run a million dollar company?

Moving swiftly on, but keeping with the comic book vein (none of those high brow movies here!) The first pictures of Captain America have been released, and look, AWESOME!

We are obviously beginning with a backstory starting (as it bloody well should!) in WW2, here he is:

Chris Evans as Captain America

The official title is: Captain America: the first avenger, and will probably tie in (as hinted in Iron Man 2) with Joss Whedons up & coming Avengers movie.

There are also more pictures of Thor floating about, but y’know what? go find them yourself!

Yes, any excuse to put this in…. 😉

Now the other MASSIVE news is this: Nolan (finally) after MONTHS of internet speculation (David Tennant, Johnny Depp as the Riddler, Phillip Seymour Hoffman as the Penguin, Angelina Jolie as Catwoman) but we where ALL wrong (too many caps? too much coffee!) and who has been cast? Well, sceptically Anne Hathaway is to play Selina Kyle (Check IMDB, no mention of ‘Catwoman’, just Selina so I don’t know) and in a absolute genius piece of casting Tom Hardy is due to be ‘Bane’ (Tom Hardy played Charles Bronson incredibly well, in the movie adaptation of the British criminals life read my review here)

Still ‘that girl from all those Romcoms’…?

Oooh! very scary!

For those (and there are plenty) complaining about these castings I say: Trust! Believe, there was fear when ledger was announced as joker, but look how that turned out! I think that Hardy is excellent, and Hathaway has the potential! We shall see!

Final piece of news now, It was announced last night (I believe) the new Mortal Kombat movie (based upon the short we shew you ages ago) is NOT going ahead, as it was rejected from almost every studio!! FOOLS! but instead to keep fans sated, a mini series will be made, and put on the internet, hopefully a studio or network, or someone picks it up, and then…THIS appeared…What does it mean?? Strange eh?

Here is that AWESOME short again, directed by Kevin Tancharoen

First Pictures of Thundercats!

A reported fist image for the thundercats SERIES, not the film has been released onto the internet, with MTV.com getting the first dibs on a preview drawing of Lion-O and a poster too

Studio4°C is working on the update

and the teaser poster looks like this:

What MTV.com was sent

Its also reported that THIS is the teaser trailer for the up & coming film, I can tell you now: Its fake! there is no studio at the beginning or end, no one from a reputable youtube account  has posted it, and different versions have different music, it is admittedly clever and well made, yet a fake!

80’s, 80’s, 80’s, Is Nothing Sacred?

The Mighty Thundercats are due to be given a Update and re-released on cartoonetwork in 2011!

And a new Movie featuring them in 2012!

I think I feel strongly opposed to this for several reasons:
1) It simply seems too silly to transcribe to screen well
2) is nothing sacred, now we have plundered everything 80’s this was all that remained, and I (stupidly I guess) assumed it would stay that way, Boy was I wrong

Then again, maybe I’m being harsh and it won’t be so bad and will introduce a whole new generation to Thundercats awesomeness…


Joint Movie Review Special – Machete

Click here to listen to this epic review

In case you missed it on the podcast, we decided to pull off an exclusive on the site with the first ever super joint movie review. What is the first film both The Film Sergeant and The Film General decide to review? The new addition to the Grindhouse series… ‘Machete’. Not out in the UK for a few more months, what do our duo think of Danny Trejo and his slaughtering ways?If you to read more reviews, go to http://www.thefilmgeneral.com/reviews to see the long list of reviews.

If you like what you hear and want to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that via iTunes.

Exclusive Look at Stranger Tides!

Attention Cadets!


Ah, Comic-Con… the new and exciting place for all the new, fresh, geeky content to the masses. Well… this year, San Diego got a big one! A world exclusive trailer that is so vague and yet… so recognizable that it totally stunned the crowds at Comic Con. What be that you ask? Just watch below…

That is right… it is a very teaser trailer for ‘Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides’. If drunken Johnny Depp is right, this episode of the Pirate series will have Zombies, Mermaids, Penelope Cruz and plenty of Cutthroats, all in search for the infamous Fountain of Youth! Sounds exciting… or does it?

We fans know how messy the last two films were like… and with rumours of a failing budget and Russell Brand playing a big part, can this adventure be any good? You guys decide! Drop a comment!

Avast you scurvy dogs! Walk the plank and search the seas!


Introducing… Escape From New Jersey?

Attention Maggots!

The Film General here… giving you a little gem for you all. As you guys know, we here on the site totally love John Carpenter… especially ‘Escape From New York’ and the badass motherf**ker known as Snake Plissken. But, as heard in the recent episode of the podcast, when we heard that it was gonna be remade, we had mixed thoughts. Promise is in the air but only time will tell.

But… there is hope for something of a Snake Plissken revival even earlier than expected. Blinky Productions, headed by film buff Chris .R. Notarile, has produced a sort of spin-off sequel to the classic called ‘Escape From New Jersey‘. Starting off literally after the end of the first film, Snake is trying to return to a normal life after the horrors in New York. He goes to New Jersey, passing through… only to get into some trouble, chaos and bumping into some unlikely faces. It is broken down into several parts, launching the first part early this month. It is a very well executed fan film that definitely needs some attention.

Check out Part 1 right here:


Hope you enjoyed that… if you did, click here to see the teaser trailer for Part 2! All excited now!


Horror Quest: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

Attention Cadets! Pay Attention!

Jake begins his journey to find the goriest, sickest, most twisted horror film ever as he starts with the seemingly gruesome ‘TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2’ … Click here to see the trailer. This is the first out of a possible 10 horror flicks suggested by you, the film army!

So what does the Film Lieutenant think of it? He also explains his rating and his reasons for only doing films from the West.

Please feel free to drop off any comments, suggestions or ideas below or on the youtube video…


The RantCast – Episode 4: Total Recall

The RantCast - Episode 4: Total Recall

Click on the picture to hear the podcast!

The Film General critics have returned from their solo missions to do another episode of the Rantcast, setting up another series of news, reviews and banter!

In This Episode:
– The website gets an upgrade
– A huge pile of movie news including Pirates 4 in money troubles and yet another Alien movie?
– 3 Horror Movie Reviews: ‘The Human Centipede’, ‘Cube’ and ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’
– A plea from Ben Affleck
– Video Game Movies… will they ever be any good?

Splice Trailer
Jonah Hex Trailer
Buried Trailer
Thor Pictures
Street Fighter: Legacy and Street Fighter: Beginnings End
Subscribe to Podcast

Kick Ass Trailer!

All right maggots, Eyes forward!

Thanks to the power of the internet, a new awesome mature rated trailer has been leak for Lionsgate Films adaptation of the cult comic ‘KICK-ASS’.

Prepare to get your ass kicked, bitches!

Directed by Matthew Vaughn, the man behind films like ‘Stardust’ and ‘Layer Cake’, it is shaping up to be one exciting flick that might bring something new to the superhero genre… And with a cast containing Nicolas Cage, Mark Strong and Aaron Johnson, what is there not to like? Watch the trailer below and see how kick ass it really is! The film is planned to be released on April 2nd 2010 in the UK… Consider my ticket bought!


Also, 3 new reviews are up on the website and introducing a whole new feature! The Film General gets his claws out on the recent live action anime adaptation, ‘Dragonball: Evolution’ as well as take a stab at Korea’s answer to Tarantino with ‘The City of Violence’. The Film Lieutenant however decides to give his two cents on the latest CGI animated flick ‘Astro Boy’ as well as state his opinion on the recent Horror trends with his Top 10 Best and Worst Horror Films of the last decade! Do you agree with this gore nut? Discuss!


Possible New Zombie Flick being Animated?

OK Maggots! Listen up to this exciting news!

Thanks to those at Collider.com, a new and exciting project has just been leaked!

A 1 1/2 minute teaser trailer for a new animated zombie flick called A.D is up on the internet. It is new, fresh and exciting to watch… but it hasn’t been picked up by any studio yet. How come? Land of the Dead and 300 Producer Bernie Goldmann tried to explain:

Whenever you want to do anything that challenges the way people think about movies things move slowly. Movie executives want to make 100 versions of the same movie. Which from their perspective makes sense. You don’t get fired for making the Reese Witherspoon romantic comedy. I completely believe that A.D. will be a hit movie. The zombie genre could use some reinvention. This movie will be like no other.

Well, we here at the site believe you so consider us on the team… you have our support! The writers and director of this piece Ben Hibon and Haylar Garcia seem to want to add a new style and scope to this draining genre… So keep a look out for this flick A.D in the future. Here is the trailer:

Also on the site, plenty of new reviews are up on the site. Just in case you missed them, here is the full list:

The Forbidden Kingdom
Sherlock Holmes
Bride Wars

Last Days
He’s Just Not That Into You
Funny People

Alright Cadets, Dismissed!